- Kidderminster Repeater Group

Description: A NON-Profit Organisation

voip (55566) ham radio (1241) amateur radio (1029) echolink (42) krg (14) amateur radio clubs (11) kidderminster repeater group (2) gb3kd (2) gb3kc (2) gb7kr (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Such interests may range from actively building and maintaining repeaters, through using repeaters, listening to repeaters, interest in repeater technologies, to simply supporting repeaters financially for the benefit of all.  

Some of our members don’t use repeaters at all, and mainly participate for the social side. The one thing we all have in common is a passion for radio communications!  

The group was originally formed to construct and maintain a voice-over-IP repeater in Kidderminster, an ancient market town approximately 17Km southwest of the city of Birmingham, England, at the confluence of the Severn and Stour valleys.  

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