- Kyle Ripley

Description: Graduate Student

Example domain paragraphs

I’m currently a graduate student in the Quantitative Psychology program at the University of Missouri. I’ve taken classes on a wide variety of statistical topics (e.g., structural equation modeling, bayesian data analysis, cluster analysis, etc). Most of my work while at the University of Missouri has focused on using SEM to estimate a hybrid of the logistic and confined exponential growth models, both within simulated and real-world data scenarios. For my dissertation, I plan to use this model to examine t

I taught the statistical software portion of the Psychology Department’s graduate General Linear Models course from Fall 2018 to Spring 2020. During this time, I helped transition the course to a focus on using R for data management, analysis, and visualization. Many of the lessons and tutorials that I wrote for the class can be found (in slightly altered forms) here . From Fall 2020 to Summer 2021, I was the instructor of record for a section of the undergraduate Research Methods in Psychology II (statisti

Ph.D. in Quantitative Psychology, 2022 (Anticipated)