- Kristine Carter

Description: I photograph natural lifestyle portraits, farms, vacation homes, food, and healthy living products within driving range of Floyd County, VA. I also take photographs of food and natural products in my home studio.

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I promise not to sell or give away your email and will only use your address to respond to you. There are links throughout this website that connect to other websites I do not maintain. The logo and icon featured in the header are from The Noun Project . Icon by Husein Aziz. No images, text, or other creative material may be used without permission.

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const firstSection = document.querySelector('.page-section'); const header = document.querySelector('.header'); const mobileOverlayNav = document.querySelector('.header-menu'); const sectionBackground = firstSection ? firstSection.querySelector('.section-background') : null; const headerHeight = header ? header.getBoundingClientRect().height : 0; const firstSectionHasBackground = firstSection ? firstSection.className.indexOf('has-background') > = 0 : false; const isFirstSectionInset = firstSection ? firstSe

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