- Survivor Bootcamp

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Now that I am a ‘real’ employee (earned April 15th rather than May 5th because I am that good!) I have been thinking of what Canadian pharmacy I would like to use to fill my prescriptions. There is a story behind this. In 1998/99 I worked for a large worldwide corporation (TNT anyone?) that held a meeting on our drug plan and benefits. They had recently gotten their new quote for our benefits and it had skyrocketed.

Their request to us was to fill our prescriptions at a pharmacy that did not charge an arm or a leg for prescription fills. The lower the cost incurred, the lower their premiums. That meeting stays in my mind because I think some of us forget that although our plans are ‘free’ or low cost to us, we don’t think about our employers and the cost to them.

So yeah, I’m now a ‘real’ employee…I even have my first ‘real’ two days off tomorrow and Friday (using up vacation time I am entitled too). Tomorrow I drive to Meaford with my father, brother and sister and meet up with another sister and her family to attend my brother’s military graduation. It is a three hour drive both ways…uggh. Friday, Saturday and maybe Sunday, my father and I are going to start work on my foyer. Bye, bye peach!