- KROOZ | CANADA - Hiring TNC Drivers' - Accepting Ride & Delivery Request

Description: KROOZ is now Hiring Driver's. Accepting Ride & Delivery Request in CANADA. KROOZ apps allow customers with smart-phones to book ride and delivery request from any desired location, then route the request to KROOZ independent driver's who use their own cars to pickup riders and or the delivery to the destination.

canada (14856) ride sharing (68) krooz (8) krooz ride (8) krooz delivery (8) krooz hiring tnc drivers (8) krooz delivery service (8) krooz technology (8) krooz carpooling (6) krooz ride share service (6)

Example domain paragraphs

(Moto Bike 0-15 years old)

(Economy vehicle 0-15 years old)

(SUV or Van vehicle 0-10 years old)

Links to (7)