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Throughout the year, KITS Technologies offers latest and relevant ICT industry leading technology-focused technical trainings. These technical Hands-on courses are geared towards maximizing the benefits of choosing IT / Telecoms as career. These classes are taught by experienced professionals (ICT trainers) and the classes are focused on technical expertise. Whether you are thinking of building a career in IT/Telecoms, or you are already in the industry, you will benefit tremendously from attending these sp

The courses are aimed at boosting and complementing theoretical knowledge with real practical knowledge, which has today become a major requirement for any ICT job globally and Nigeria in particular. Young fresh graduates are expected through this FREE program, to acquire the required skills necessary to start a career in the vibrant IT/Telecoms industry. Equally, technicians and those who intend to switch to IT/Telecoms Industry will have the ‘rare’ opportunity to acquire necessary skills to upgrade their

This unique gesture is coming as part of KITS (CSR) contribution to our national IT / Telecoms advancement and ICT penetration. KITS is not limiting attendance to fresh graduates, as Network Engineers, Project managers, Technical Directors and Managers, System Engineers & Field Integration Engineer including software engineers; seeking to complement theoretical knowledge with real practical ICT knowledge would benefit tremendously from attending these specially designed technical classes.