Description: After the closing of Kuhns Brothers Log Homes, employees established a new company, Timberhaven Log Homes to carry on the tradition of excellence they had worked to build at Kuhns Brothers.
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Kuhns Bros. Log Homes was a recognized leader in the log home industry for 30 years. The staff and dealer network was one of the best in the industry. They set the industry standards by which to measure quality, customer service and customer satisfaction.
The torch was passed onto the key employees and dealer network. In 2013, the owners of Kuhns Bros. Log Homes reached a pinnacle in the log home business and made the collective decision to pursue other opportunities. This decision created an opportunity for their key employees and experienced dealer network, many of whom had been with KBLH almost from their beginning in 1983, to step in and continue to uphold the quality, customer service and customer satisfaction established by Kuhns Bros. Log Homes. In Ap
Timberhaven Log & Timber Homes is new in name only. Timberhaven Log & Timber Homes is comprised of the same key seasoned / experienced employees and representatives, which are the very core responsible for Kuhns Bros. Log Homes achieving their status as a leader in the log home industry. These key employees and representatives are dedicated to not only maintaining the standards they helped to set and achieve, but also to continue to build and improve upon the traditions of “Integrity, Innovation, Quality, V