kuhnseaverpublishing.com - Kuhn & Seaver Publishing

Description: Kuhn & Seaver Publishing is a nascent, boutique publisher based in Burlington, Massachusetts. It publishes: a) original science research, b) original works of fiction. We are in the process of carving out our niche as a thought leader and an producer of engaging story-telling.

books (16893) author (9589) movies (6371) producer (4281) english-language (176) thought leader (50) original academic research (1) experience-producer (1) engaging story-telling (1) gratify your curiosity (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Kuhn and Seaver Publishing is a Boston based, independent publishing house committed to providing readers with well-written, quality bodies of work in all genres ranging from fiction to non-fiction to children's literature. With a dedication to excellence and a unique understanding of the creative process and needs of the author, Kuhn and Seaver have established a strong, supportive platform for published and unpublished author alike to hone, polish and market their craft.

Movie: Bounce Past

Four college students and one college-student pretender try to win a basketball championship while they work to get the romantic relationship they want. Major decisions. Goofing off. An expensive bet. A mascot spy. It's a fun movie for both guys and girls.

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