kulturkorso.de - Kulturkorso Museen im Grünen - Kulturkorso Museums in Greenery

Description: Im Südwesten Berlins, im Bezirk Steglitz-Zehlendorf, haben sich 13 Museen und Ausstellungshäuser, eingebettet in eine attraktive Natur und Kulturlandschaft, zu einem Netzwerk zusammengeschlossen.

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In Southwest Berlin district Steglitz-Zehlendorf 14 museums and exhibition centres have linked to form a network in a landscape naturally and culturally appealing. Kulturkorso offers leisure and education, history, recretion and creative inspiration like no other part of the city. Here you will find institutions that represent themselves manifoldly by ancient and modern art, botanical delight, contemporary and cultural history. They are open, lively museums and exhibition halls that share one common commitm

The art house of the ACHIM FREYER FOUNDATION shows the collection of the painter and theater maker Achim Freyer and presents events and changing exhibitions of contemporary art. With more than 2,000 modernist works, the art house is a place of tolerance and integration - a school of seeing.

www.achimfreyer.com © Fotos: Gunter Lepkowski

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