kurma-partners.org - Kurma Partners - Major player in the funding of healthcare and biotechnology in Europe

Description: Avec les meilleurs acteurs européens de la recherche académique, nous avons tissé un solide réseau de partenaires pour transformer leurs découvertes scientifiques disruptives en médicaments ou en dispositifs médicaux de pointe pour diagnostiquer et soigner des patients atteints de maladies graves ou incurables à ce jour. Nous avons l'ambition de travailler avec les principaux instituts de recherche européens, pour construire l’industrie de santé de demain. Pour cela, nous avons développé une approche singul

santé (2056) kurma (15) kurma partners (7) kurmapartners (7) investissement santé (7) investissement europe_en (7)

Example domain paragraphs

We have built a strong network of partners with the best European academic research players , to transform their disruptive scientific discoveries into cutting-edge medicines or medical devices to diagnose and treat patients with severe diseases with high unmet medical need. 

Our ambition is to work with leading European research centers to build the healthcare industry of tomorrow. In that perspective, we have developed a unique approach. We work closely with the research teams early on to define a plan to validate their discoveries and bring together the best healthcare industry experts and later the most experienced entrepreneurs to create high-tech companies. We provide capital/funding to the companies we have founded with our funds and invite other investors to join us. Thi

Because of our business, we are players in the world of healthcare and as such are committed to making our contribution to sustainable development. We adhere to the ESG practices we have established