kurtsan.com - Kurtsan Holding A.Ş.

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About At a Glance Global Operations Channels The Kurtsan Foundation Leadership Founding Family Executive Boards CEO Kurtsan Family Kurtsan Story A Family in Business Kurtsan Story Companies MENU MENU About At a Glance Leadership Boards Committees Founding Family Executive Boards CEO Global Operations Kurtsan Family A Family in Business Kurtsan Story Channels The Kurtsan Foundation Brands Pharmaceutical Otacı Bitkisel Pastil Pastisin Stimmex Septisil Otacı Gida Takviyeleri Tuba Muskazon Burazin Medical Devic

Founded in 1993, Kurtsan Foundation promotes the belief that science and art are the finest foundations for elevating and educating humanity while fostering social and cultural advancement. With this belief, we sponsor fifteen to thirty prospective students each year, carefully selecting high-caliber students who may not otherwise have the opportunity to pursue higher education. We hope that our over one thousand alumni will strive to create meaningful change in the world.

For a better society, we strive to cultivate the importance of cooperation among its members. Hence as Kurtsan we strive to offer various forms of support especially in times of local catastrophes like earthquakes, forest fires, mining accidents etc.

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