kusumijari.com - UX Design Portfolio | Kusum Ijari

Description: I'm Kusum Ijari. I'm a UX Designer. I enjoy getting into the nitty-gritty of a large complex problem and seek to alleviate these problems by designing intuitive experiences. 

your way (800) your design (152)

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I'm a Product Designer.

I truly enjoy getting into the nitty-gritty of a large complex problem and seek to alleviate these problems by designing intuitive experiences. 

Deepgram 2022 - Now Speech-to-text API - A conversational intelligence API with transcription and speech understanding. American Express 2019-2022 Credit card applications - A platform for customers from international markets (Eg: Canada, Japan, France) to apply for an American Express Card. Rayo 2019 Enterprise Management Software - A system to manage and help run the day to day activities of a special needs clinic ShipShape 2018-2019 Supply Chain Game - technical concepts converted to games to teach begin