kutschenmuseum.ch - Museum für Pferdestärken - HMB

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The Museum of Horsepower’ collection of coaches and sleighs is to be put into storage beyond the public’s reach, the museum itself having closed its doors for the last time on 25 September 2016.

The HMB is nevertheless using its digital channels to ensure that information on the exhibits and documents from the archive remain accessible, independent of time and place. The knowledge acquired of this aspect of our cultural heritage will thus be preserved and kept alive – at least virtually.

The collection of coaches and sleighs belonging to the Basel Historical Museum is to leave its location in the Merian Gardens as per 31 January 2017. The Christoph Merian Stiftung (CMS) plans to remodel the premises in Brüglingen and hence will be in need of the barn in which the Museum of Horsepower has been housed since 1981. Thanks to its partnership with the Google Cultural Institute , both the museum itself and its collection are accessible from October 2016. The Museum of Horsepower has thus become th