kvkwashim.com - Krishi Vigyan Kendra Karda, Washim

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The Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Karda is a district level Farm Science Center established by the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi at Suvide Foundation, Risod Dist. Washim of Maharashtra State for speedy transfer of technology to the farmers fields, as well as On Farm Testing (Assessments and Refinements) , Demonstrations and trainings. The operational area of this Krishi Vigyan Kendra comes under the Vidarbha Region of Maharashtra which is dry Zone. The aims and objectives of Krishi Vigya

Participation in the upcomming training : Participation in the Trainings arranged by the KVK, Interested farmers may register Participation in Agriculture Extension Programme : Organisation of different training programme under extension activity such as Kisan melas, study tours, Interact with the scientists : Interact with the scientists at the Krishi Vigyan Kendra & get consultancy Front Line Demonstration and OFTs : Farmers can have demonstrations & trials on their fields that kvk arrange every year.