- Kwamatics, USA | Home

Description: I am Brian Kwa, Kwamatics, UX Illustrator, Game Master, and YouTuber in San Jose, CA

illustration (16485) youtube (8083) ux design (1695) game design (628)

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Life is all about moving forward. Look around you, there is always something to improve on. You can easily reconfigure your workspace, declutter your life, read a book and learn something. I’m always looking for new skills or techniques that I can add to my repitoire to improve my building/making/designing. Currently I’m trying to learn 3D modeling! I see it as a stepping stone to truly build custom 3D prints, toy making, concept art, and video game developing. I’m having a really great time figuring this s

You are a curious space orc home electrician from a dark hole who might as well be a hedon.

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