- Lacey Lassy

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Since retiring, I've had a bit more time to dedicate to stained glass, my first love since 1986. I had put it aside for a bit and worked on paper crafts since it was just too hot to work out in the garage doing glass while living in Phoenix, Arizona. Now I'm in a small rural town in Kentucky and it's much cooler here. We brought my work bench with us from Phoenix and I set it up in the garage which is where I like to do glass. It's in a window facing the front of the house so I have a lovely view of a field

I sent in my application to the Kentucky Guild of Artisans and Craftsmen and took them 5 examples of my glass work including a lamp, a window panel and boxes. Below are photos of 3 of the items I submitted to be judged by the jury. 

Our first show as Guild members is October 8-9, 2021 in Bardstown on Main Street. We will be there for this 2 day show and are as excited as a hamster on a new wheel. LOL! If you're in Kentucky, I hope you'll attend this fabulous show in Bardstown. It's Saturday and Sunday and we'd love for you to stop by and say hello.