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Description: Solutions for Your Shore

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Solutions for Your Shore

Find the BEST solutions here. Weeders Digest offers a variety of products and tools & solutions that are guaranteed to drastically improve ANY situation.  Choose from options such as Blowers, Rollers, Eco Friendly Pellets, Seaweed Cutters , Rakes & More.  Some of the are designed specifically for lake muck removal. Others will help clear your lake shore of both muck and weeds. These products and many more can be found at     You can also reach us at 763-551-1441

The AquaThruster:   Weeders Digest has done it again with its revolutionary lake muck, algae, scum & floating weed removal solution. The redesigned modular  AquaThruster !  This is one of the best solutions to quickly reduce and completely solve your muck issues. It works great to protect your beach from floating weeds on the surface and remove sediment from the bottom of your lake shore.

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