- Lancaster Archery Club

Description: Lancaster Archery Club Website for membership info and club news

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F ormed in 1933 , the Lancaster Archery Club has a rich history as one of the oldest Archery Clubs in the USA. Originally operating out of Williamson Park (now Lancaster County Park), LAC is one of the area's most respected outdoor clubs. In 1953, Conservationist, Archer, and LAC Founding Member, Clayton Shenk was largely responsible for the PGC allowing archery equipment and then establishing a Fall Archery Hunting Season for deer in PA. Other past members include 50's and early 60's Eastern and PA State C

* Enjoy great times with friends who share your interest in archery * Shoot to learn, for recreation, competition or bowhunting practice * All Archery Types: Traditional, Xbow, Compound,Target, and 3D   or Field Archery * Shoot Outdoors at the LAC and Indoor Tuesday nights at Lancaster Archery Supply over the Winter

       Located at 391 Eckman Road, LAC is just 8/10 mile off of Rt.222/272S Willow Street Pike, between Lancaster City and the Willow Valley Resort area. LAC features mowed or wooded paths on a 28 target Field/Hunter round course in addition to an archery practice and broadhead range. The practice range features targets ranging from 20 Feet out to 80 yards along with 20-30 yd X-Bow targets and broadhead targets.         Nature's best is abundantly on-hand for you to view throughout the lush 20 rolling acres

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