- The Landlord Liaison | Every landlord's lifeline for horrible tenants...

Description: Landlord Liaison shares stories and techniques, and offers support for the independent landlords

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Have you ever had more vacancies than you could handle at one time? Were any of those tenants slow-payers before they became no-payers and moved out or were evicted?  As landlords, we should ALWAYS be actively managing our vacancy rates.  My rule for managing vacancies with slow-pay tenants is to create the vacancy on MY terms.  Don’t wait for the slow-payers to become no-payers; you just might end up with 3 or 4 vacant units at one time.  Manage your tenancy by slowly and methodically moving out the slow-p

Filed under: Landlord/Tenant by BrokerOwner Tags: « eviction - management - rent rolls - slow pay - Tenant - Tenants - Vacancy Rate » 3 Comments »

Have you ever had a tenant move out in the middle of the night?  No warning, no call, NOTHING… Well this can be very frustrating or even scary if you NEED the rent to pay your mortgage.  My first piece of advice is don’t panic.  Don’t focus on the anger and frustration of the situation; instead, focus on the solution.  Get the property re-rented ASAP!  Immediately work to get your property ready for the new tenants.  Go over and inspect the unit to get an accurate repair list ready, call your contractor to

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