- Andréas Lang | photography, video, film

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New Babylon , Dubai 2020 (video-installation still, 41:24 min, loop, sound, 112.40 × 200 cm)

In Re-Visiting Orientalism , I approach the various projections and problematics of Orientalism by overlaying historical Orientalist paintings in video-installations with contemporary sceneries and video-sequences, thus opening up a field of interpretation and hinting at geopolitical, ecological and social problems as well as political realities. The work becomes a subversive deconstruction of the Western Orientalist perspective by using its aesthetics and creating a palimpsest of the now and the Orientalis

During my research, I travelled to Istanbul, Kuwait, Dubai, Baku, Tbilisi and Tunisia. The project was initiated in 2019 with the support of Goethe Institute. It is a work in progress, and further destinations are planned for the completion of the theme.