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Contact Links Lap4Life Run at Chadwick Lake The annual Lap4Life event is canceled until further notice. Thank you for your support through the years. Home About Patient Stories The Race Media Sponsorship Store (Race Registration)                 For the past 12 years what we created, you all came together and supported. What we built, helped many with your generous donations. As much as it aches and our hearts break, we have got to leave it behind. We are profoundly proud of all that we have done and accomp

Lap4Life is a non-profit organization created to raise money and awareness for Desmoid Tumors and Organ Transplant Research. Eleven years ago, at the age of 30, my brother was affected by a rare disease, Desmoid Tumors. These rare tumors affect one in every 2-4 million people. After nine years of medical treatment and multiple surgeries with subsequent complications he was left with few options. A final attempt to remove his large desmoid required resection of his entire small intestine. Following this, he

Intestinal transplant currently offers the only hope of survival for patients with intestinal failure who are dependent on and often do not tolerate intravenous nutrition. While it is no longer considered experimental, intestinal transplantation continues to be very expensive and risky therapy with a need for life-long immunosuppression. Ongoing research has improved the outcomes significantly, to the point where patients like my brother can look forward to a long survival with a good quality of life. There