- Large Spatial Model

Description: We introduce LargeSceneModel, which utilizes two unposed and uncalibrated images as input, and reconstructs the explicit radiance field, encompassing geometry, appearance, and semantics in real-time.

nerf (195) novel view synthesis (8) 3d gaussians (2)

Example domain paragraphs

A classical problem in computer vision is to reconstruct and understand the 3D structure from a limited number of images to accurately interpret and export geometry, appearance, and semantics. Traditional approaches typically decompose this objective into multiple subtasks, involving several stages of complicated mapping among different data representations. For instance, dense reconstruction through Structure-from-Motion (SfM) requires transforming a set of multi-view images into key points and camera para

In this work, we introduce the Large Spatial Model (LSM), a point-based representation that directly processes unposed RGB images into semantic 3D. This new model simultaneously infers geometry, appearance, and semantics within a scene, and synthesizes versatile label maps at novel views, all in a single feed-forward pass. To represent the scene, we employ a generic Transformer-based framework that integrates global geometry by pixel-aligned point maps. To facilitate scene attributes regression, we adopt lo

Our method utilizes input images from which pixel-aligned point maps are regressed using a generic Transformer. Point-based scene parameters are then predicted employing another Transformer that facilitates local context aggregation and hierarchical fusion. The model elevate 2D pre-trained feature to facilate consistent 3D feature field. It is supervised end-to-end, minimizing the loss function through comparisons against ground truth and rasterized feature maps on new views. During the inference stage, our

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