- La Salada Turisme Rural | Allotjaments envoltats de natura. A tocar del Pirineu

Description: La Salada rural tourism - Agrotourism in the Pre-Pyrenees of Catalonia with the charm of Rural Tourism La Salada turisme rural - Agroturisme al Prepirineu de Catalunya amb l'encant del Turisme Rural La Salada turismo rural - Agroturismo en el Prepirineo de Cataluña con el encanto del Turismo Rural 4 cases totalment independents amb porxo, barbacoa i mobles de jardí. Piscina i la zona de jocs infantils 4 casas totalmente independientes con porche, barbacoa y muebles de jardín. Piscina y la zona d

agroturismo (113) turisme rural (103) agrotourism (43) rural tourism (28) agroturisme (23) prepirineo (5) prepirineu (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Four houses at an altitude of 1,100 m. They are located on the Alt Solsonès, a wonderful setting surrounded by mountains and nature in the Pre-Pyrenees of Central Catalonia. This is a very quiet area with easy access. Seated at 13 kms from Solsona and approximately 1 h 30 min away from Barcelona, ​​Lleida, and Andorra.

Located in a forest, agricultural, and livestock farm. The interior is the result of a delicate symbiosis between both traditional and modern architecture, which conveys a unique feeling of harmony and comfort.

Each house is completely independent comprising porch, barbecue, and garden furniture. The swimming pool and the children’s play area are the only facilities which must be shared every two houses: on one hand, Casanova and Cobert and, Cap del Pla and Salada, on the other.