- Last Explorer – Writing the World

Example domain paragraphs

How do you plan an adventure?

When I decided to go travelling this summer, it was a little overwhelming at first.  How will I get from one place to another?  Where will I stay?  Which route will I take?  Will I go alone, or with a friend?  The last question was the easiest to answer – my friend Jordan loves travelling too, and he was itching to get back on the road after returning from India.  After that, it was a case of working out the details.  Like all stories, we needed a starting point.

The first thing to decide was the route.  I have friends in several countries around Europe, some of whom I hadn’t seen for over two years.  Meeting up with them again would be amazing – and of course, it was a great excuse to finally get back out there.  Initially, I picked three places – Barcelona, Berlin and Prague.  Each city was home to one or more friends, but a new dilemma arose – they’re quite far apart!