- The Last Private Place – Hey, you, get offa my cloud!

Description: Hey, you, get offa my cloud!

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The nation’s most prolific enablers of privacy violation continue debating how closely to emulate the European Union privacy law ( GDPR) , but maybe they’ll put off big decisions until 2020 .

Earlier this month, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce submitted a 10-point plan which seeks, among other things, to limit consumer lawsuits for data breaches.  The Chamber reasons that money spent on litigation drains businesses of funds that could be used to prevent data breaches. True enough, if only the savings were earmarked for that purpose.

Meanwhile, USA Today reports that Google and AT&T want to craft federal law as a defense against California’s GDPR clone . This is a familiar strategy. Big companies doing business in thousands of U.S. jurisdictions prefer one strong, federal law to a patchwork of state laws, whether it’s about taxation or other regulatory schemes.