- Books - Latinnovating (Green Jobs, Entrepreneurship, Green Business, Latino, Sustainability)

Description: Book info for Latinnovating: Green American Jobs and the Latinos Creating Them, the first book showcasing Latino-led innovation and entrepreneurship in the green economy, takes readers inside organizations where real, long-term sustainable practices and innovations are happening today.

innovation (8326) environment (3733) sustainability (3656) entrepreneur (3230) renewable energy (1467) cleantech (136) green business (109) sustainable business (88) green jobs (71) minority entrepreneurship (5)

Example domain paragraphs

I have a friend named Jackie Martinez who works at Facebook. This morning she posted about a phone call she had yesterday with a mentee. After reading her story twice, I felt compelled to blog the response I want to … Continue reading →

At Google’s Los Angeles office on a recent Friday night, the presentation room was filled with highly educated, professional, innovative, entrepreneurial and activist Latinas in charge. There were bloggers, journalists, community leaders, professors, business owners, engineers — all gathered to … Continue reading →

I’m proud to share this article contributed to Fox News Latino to celebrate the 10th anniversary of this effective, culturally-relevant REAL mentoring program. I had the pleasure of meeting its visionary founder in New York last summer. Please read this … Continue reading →