- Laurent Najman Website - Welcome to Laurent Najman Web Site

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I am professor of Computer Science at Université Gustave Eiffel , Laboratoire Informatique Gaspard-Monge , Equipe A3SI , ESIEE Paris  . A short bio is available  here . To (surface) mail me, you can write at ESIEE Paris - 2, boulevard Blaise Pascal - Cité DESCARTES - BP 99 - 93162 Noisy le Grand CEDEX - France. My Google Scholar page is here .

Family and friends can have  access to the private section , if they have a password.

A fun project is the  Mathematics Genealogy Project . According to them, some of my  ancestors  are quite famous. They are, in chronological order, Jean-Pierre Aubin, Jacques-Louis Lions, Laurent Schwartz, Georges Valiron, Emile Borel, Gaston Darboux, Michel Chasles, Simeon Denis Poisson, Joseph Lagrange, Leonhard Euler, Johann Bernouilli, Jacob Bernouilli, Gottfried Leibniz and Erhard Weigel.

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