Description: ♦️♦️华球体育始建于2006年【熊二好推荐&2008年07月在中国交易所上市】,注册资金1.30亿元。华球体育是国内较早生产制造全自动蜂窝纸板连续生产线的企业,公司经历了22载春秋,不断发展壮大。专业从事蜂窝纸芯、蜂窝纸板成套生产设备,集研发、制造、销售于一体的企业,产品不断地向着智能化、高品质、高效率的方向发展。
Digital Marketing
Success Starts With Fire Mic Media
At Fire Mic Media, we are passionate about digital media, and our mission is to help businesses to get real business results from their digital media marketing efforts. Digital media is always changing – we are committed to staying up-to-date in digital media, so that you don’t have to. We’re invested in staying cutting edge and develop strategic marketing knowledge.