leadrenovatoronline.com - Get Your Contractors License in Michigan

Description: Contractors Training Institute offers EPA certification training courses. Get started on your Michigan contractors license by signing up today!

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We offer online and offline education courses and certifications to builders, contractors and tradesmen.

We offer many courses, covering areas including: EPA Certified Renovator, Lead Abatement Supervisor, Lead Worker, Lead Inspector, Lead Risk Assessor, Mold Remediation, OSHA Compliance, Con-Ed / Continuing Competency, Builders 60 Hr Pre-Licensure Classes, 2 Hr Asbestos Awareness, Asbestos Abatement Supervisor Contractor, Asbestos Inspector

Learn on your own time. Our online courses help you get certified without waiting for a scheduled course or having to show up in person. Sign up now to start learning today.