leadstories.com - Lead Stories

Description: Lead Stories is a fact checking website debunking viral misinformation on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok and other platforms. Our fact checks are used by Meta, ByteDance and others.

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Open full menu Go Fact Check Blue Feed Red Feed Corona Virus Deep fakes War 🇷🇺 & 🇺🇦 Corrections Just Because It's Trending Doesn't Mean It's True — Fact checking at the speed of likes since 2015 Plag-AI-rism Plag-AI-rism: How Lead Stories Used ChatGPT To Find A False Story about Tucker Carlson ... That Was 'Plagiarised' With ChatGPT Analysis May 9, 2023 by: Maarten Schenk Malware Motive Lead Stories Uncovers Network of Cambodian Websites Pushing Death Hoaxes On Facebook To Spread Malware Analysis Dec 8, 202

May 25, 2023 by: Ed Payne Not Real Quote Fact Check: Footage Does NOT Prove That No Plane Hit Pentagon On 9/11 Fact Check Does footage related to the 9/11 attack at the Pentagon prove that no airplane struck the building? No, that's not true: The video -- which was published online by the FBI more than a decade ago -- only shows "recovery and investigative operations" at the Pentagon following the attack. Additionally, there are images and a thorough investigation detailed in The…

May 25, 2023 by: Lead Stories Staff FBI Video Fact Check: This Billboard Is NOT Promoting An Entirely Underground Apartment Complex -- It's Ad For TV Show Fact Check Is this an advertisement for an entirely underground apartment building in Los Angeles? No, that's not true: This billboard is a promo for an Apple TV show. The URL seen on the billboard leads to a website that tells readers the TV show has been available for streaming since May 5, 2023. The claim appeared on TikTok (archived here) on…

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