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Description: Wendy Patton, Joe McCall, and Michael Carbonare teach lease options.

rent to own (390) lease option (56) lease purchase (54) lease with option to buy (19) lease options (11) lease purchases purchase option purchase options

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Tim Randle here. Give me three minutes to explain and you can judge if this is a perfect fit for you.

Many of the make-it-big-with-Real-Estate-Investing strategies are adversarial and/or stressful. With foreclosures and short sales dealing with Lenders can be like war. Even though you're helping them solve a problem, they treat you like you're the enemy. With rehabs and holds there's a lot of stress. You have your mortgage, property taxes and other payments due like clockwork... even if the rehab isn't progressing like clockwork, or, you don't have a paying tenant. Payments and vacant houses. Tenants and to

If it was easy, everybody would do it.