Description: 乐歌海外仓即乐歌人体工学科技股份有限公司,是A股跨境电商企业第一股。乐仓布局辐射全美各个城市,是帮助中国跨境电商卖家实现全美“一日达”的优质平台。同时乐仓也布局全球,海外仓业务覆盖欧洲、亚洲和美洲,致力于让中国产品走进世界的家家户户。
Lecangs gives you the right tools to make smarter decisions about your supply chain. No matter what your request is, we got your back.
Our warehouses are strategically located so that you can guarantee your customers a quick and easy delivery by shipping from any of our 8 eCommerce fulfillment centers. Split your inventory across locations, and we’ll automatically select the warehouse that gives you the quickest turnaround and have real-time cooperation between locations, so your customers will have 98%+ two-day delivery.
The Importance of API/EDI Systems in the Supply Chain