Description: LED Counters, LED Timers, LED Andon Stacklight and Indicator Products. LED Stacklights, LED tower lights, LED andon lights. LED Productivity Boards, Cycle Timers, Production Counters, Batch Counters, LED Shot Clocks, Production Takt Timers.
(614) 851-1100
LED stacklights are known in different industries as industrial stacklights, LED tower lights, LED stacklights, LED andon lights and signal beacons. These LED andon products are an economical and effective tool for any facility. Commonly used for material, line stoppage indication, quality, supervisor, line leader or team leader requests, plc output control, predictive and preventative maintenance, as well as reactive maintenance. The utilization of LED Tower Lights is extremely effective when visual signal
LED Counters allow factory personnel instant access to real-time production counts. They can be used to monitor production output, batch counts, cycle counts, reject or bad part counts and more. These counter devices are often referred to as a industrial counters, production counters, cycle counters, piece counters, led counters, electronic counters, or an array of other names. They are a valuable source of information to assembly personnel and plant managers.