leeringham.com - Lee Ringham | About

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Hello, welcome to my website. I am a software developer in the Department of Surgery at the Cummings School of Medicine. I completed my MSc in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Calgary. My research focused on modelling natural phenomenon with reaction-diffusion and involved case studies such as the simulation of flower petal pigmentation patterns as well as the autoimmune disease psoriasis. My interests include the creation and advancement of high-performance interactive computer graph

Lightweight Reaction-Diffusion Simulator - LRDS is a program that facilitates simulation and exploration of reaction-diffusion patterns, including those formed on grids and arbitrary triangular meshes. These domains have support for growth, anisotropic diffusion, and parameters that change value over space and time. Parallelizable algorithms, such as reaction-diffusion equations are calculated efficiently using compute shaders. This approach makes it possible to create fast and interactive simulations.

HexChess - HexChess is a personal project that a friend Nathan Yaskiw and I developed. We wanted to create a game similar to Chess but without a well-defined set of patterns and play styles. We have worked toward this goal by allowing the player to arrange their game pieces any way they wish in their starting area. This freedom serves to minimize standard opening moves. During gameplay, player moves are performed concurrently. When both players have submitted moves, the outcome of the round will be resolved