leifazzopardi.com - azzopardi leif dr | University of Strathclyde

Description: Azzopardi Leif Dr

azzopardi leif dr (1)

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I am an Associate Professor in Artifical Intelligence and Data Science within the Departement of Computer and Information Sciences at the University of Strathclyde, where I lead the Interaction Lab (i-lab). My group specializes on developing, evaluating and modelling information rich and information intensive applications and agents -- and thus we develop novel Recommender Systems and Information Retrieval Systems underpinned by Natural Language Processing, Language Modelling, Machine Learning and Deep Lear

Given such technology, my group focuses on understanding and modelling how information systems shape and influence people and society. Thus, at the heart of our research is the focus on modelling and predicting the interaction between people and systems. Current and recent research projects include:

In addition to teaching Deep Learning, I also teach Startup Engineering, where I have written T ango with Django , which is a beginner's guide to web application development using Python and the Django web application framework.

Links to leifazzopardi.com (2)