leistritz-china.cn - 莱斯特瑞兹机械(太仓)有限公司欢迎您_镟铣机床,滚压机床,键槽加工机床,双螺杆挤出机,涡轮叶片,螺杆泵,混输泵

Description: 莱斯特瑞兹机械(太仓)有限公司已经发展成为一个现代化和充满活力的公司,我们的主要产品有:镟铣、滚压、键槽加工机床,双螺杆挤出机,涡轮叶片,螺杆泵

双螺杆挤出机 (37) 涡轮叶片 (2) 镟铣机床 (1) 滚压机床 (1) 键槽加工机床 (1) 螺杆泵,混输泵 (1) 螺杆泵,混输泵

Example domain paragraphs


In air­planes or cars, in toys or PCs, in clothes or even in med­i­cine - every­where you meet Leistritz with­out know­ing it. With our 2,000 em­ploy­ees world­wide, every­thing re­volves around tech­ni­cal so­lu­tions for tur­bine com­po­nents, screw pumps, ex­tru­sion sys­tems, ma­chine tools and tools. Our goal is to im­prove ex­ist­ing tech­nolo­gies to­gether with you and to find new ones - in order to keep mov­ing in the fu­ture.

灵活而强大 - 这是我们的创新泵型 FLEXCORE系列,它不仅可以安装在各种管道布局中,还以其高达40 barg的出色工作性能给人留下深刻印象。