lejon.xyz - Lejon.GitHub.io by lejon

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For fun I keep myself busy implementing some cool algorithms. I also have a Blog (who doesn't?) where I post stuff related to mostly computing. When I get time I'll up some more info here, for now you'll have to settle for my work on the very cool visualization algorithm by Laurens van der Maaten and Geoffrey Hinton called t-SNE. As of 2016-11-03 the implementation supports the Barnes Hut optimization. Java t-SNE graph (MNIST large) t-SNE on 60000 images from MNIST using v2.4.0 of Barnes Hut t-SNE (executio

Here you can find images generated by my Julia implementation of Laurens van der Maaten's t-SNE and here is the repo. If you prefer Java there is a Java version here . Julia t-SNE graph (MNIST small) Java t-SNE graph (MNIST small)

If you have problems getting any results from t-SNE (typically getting the 't-SNE ball'), there are some tricks you can try. Observe that this is not a specific problem with t-SNE, but rather a standard problem in the Machine Learning area.