lelundin.org - Sweden in EU and NATO - Overview/Översikt

Description: Former EU ambassador developing an EU and Security site focussing on comprehensive approaches - defence, multilateral (UN and OSCE), crisis response issues . Many geographic, thematic pages including on WMD, freedom and gender

security (9699) eu (2285) crisis management (305) terrorism (253) osce (29) conflicts (25) iaea (13) human security (6) csdp (4) unodc (3)

Example domain paragraphs

3: Hypothetical situation/notional Russian dispositions if Russia fully occupies Ukraine: The sudden collapse of Western aid would likely lead sooner or later to the collapse of Ukraine’s ability to hold off the Russian military. □ (1/12) https://t.co/1lvg89xcxS pic.twitter.com/0YciHVKiGS

Hours into negotiations on opening accession talks with Ukraine, it was Germany's Olaf Scholz who came up with the solution. Scholz told Orbán that he could leave the room so other leaders could take an unanimous decision, two officials said. Updates: https://t.co/9HQogUwlOs pic.twitter.com/bXA8kRLFpy

Lögnen har tagit över sanningen - https://t.co/wXOTaKMDVK @KKrVA_Sverige #ses

Links to lelundin.org (1)