lenociltd.com - LENOCI Environmental Consulting Ltd.

Description: We provide professional environmental consulting services to private and public sector clients in Central and Eastern Europe and other emerging market countries. For our multinational industrial and commercial clients, we offer reliable and experienced environmental due diligence, environmental-health&safety compliance auditing, remediation management, and pollution control consulting. We also provide technical expertise and monitoring & evaluation services on regional development and restoration projects

sustainable development (486) hungary (475) environmental consulting (192) international development (121) environmental due diligence (19) central and eastern europe (10) environmental auditing (3) remediation management (3) ehs audits (2) project monitoring & evaluation (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Tel: +36 30 966 1973 | Fax: +36 26 560 020

E-mail: [email protected]

Environmental due diligence is a critical process of business transactions where environmental risks are a concern