lessney.com - Zero Status - 零,一种若即若离的状态,一种低耦合的生活态度。 - iClock开发者 | iClock | A Nice Morphing Clock for Me | 萌鱼辨色 | iClock翻页时钟 | 负一屏秒钟小组件 | 极简生活

Description: Keep learning to make dreams not far away, but respect the rules, you know nine people can’t make a baby in one month.

极简主义 (5) 极简生活 (4) iclock (3) pcjbird (2) zero status (2) 数字时钟 (2) a nice morphing clock for me (1) 翻页时钟 (1) 任务闹钟 (1) 负一屏 (1)

Example domain paragraphs

An iOS developer who always brings you some surprise. I have easy-going character, strong will, and responsibility. And I am fond of study, well communicated with others, and calmly dealing with job. Also, I treasure friendship of team work.

Nice to meet you!

In my spare time, I released some Apps at AppStore . Most of the time, they get a very well paid apps ranking,about up to top 50.