Description: LEV Testing Ltd, homepage for specialists in COSHH Testing, LEV Testing, Dust Extraction and Fume Extraction.
local (11097) ventilation (1184) exhaust (783) extraction (316) dust (259) fume (35) coshh (29) vapour (23) lev testing (21) p601 (3)
We are specialists in providing comprehensive Local Exhaust Ventilation (LEV) testing services to employers who use LEV to control dust, fumes and airborne contaminations, ensuring workers are kept in a safe environment.
Thousands of people in Britain contract lung disease, cancer and other complications each year due to working in hazardous surroundings. Good LEV service methods and regular testing ensure that existing LEV systems continue to remove contaminations in the air before people breathe them in, meaning a safer workforce and cleaner environment.
It is a legal requirement that any employer who uses LEV to control dust, fumes and vapour must ensure it is operating effectively and is serviced by skilled professionals every 14 months, and that’s where we can help.