lhakicement.com - Lhaki Cement - Tested and Trusted

Description: Lhaki Cement has been a trusted name in the cement sector in Bhutan, North-Bengal, Sikkim and north-eastern states of India for over than two decades.

cement (789) bhutan (168) lhaki (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Lhaki Cement was established in the year 1989-90. The unit commenced commercial production in the year 1993 with 2 VSKs of 50 TPD each. The plant was augmented in the year 1995-96 with an additional VSK of 50 TPD whereby the total Clinker Capacity of the plant reached to 150 TPD.

Its cement grinding capacity was further augmented in the year 2000-2001 by installing an additional cement mill. With this the total cement girding capacity was increased to 350 TPD.

In the year 2007 the promoters resolved to upgrade the technology as well as the capacity of the plant by installing fully automated PLC controlled 450 TPD dry process rotary plant with 5 stage suspension pre-heater. The augmentation project commenced commercial production in 2009.