data compression (24) networking devices (11) software based encryption/decryption (1) pattern match processing (1) hardware acceleration. pci based network packet processing accel (1) throughput of a networking device (1) networking equipment manufacturers (1) higher traffic processing rates (1) linux based devices. we help manufacturers to analyse and identi (1)
Many networking equipment manufacturers and vendors struggle to facilitate high IP network traffic throughput rates in networking equipment when cryptography, data compression and/or pattern matching functionality is exercised in data streams. Most networking devices implement these functions in software only, using standard libraries provided with the operating system. At Emutex, we can help them to achieve higher traffic processing rates in their networking devices, particularly Linux based devices.
Software based encryption/decryption, data compression and pattern match processing can benefit by offloading repetitive, intensive processing to dedicated acceleration hardware. For example, a PCI based network packet processing acceleration card can be integrated into a system and free up valuable CPU resources for other work. Hardware offload can dramatically increase the overall throughput of a networking device, thus giving the manufacturer valuable advantages over competitors in their particular marke
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