- Kelli — A Victory Gardener (of Information) | Helping grow Information Accessibilty for Everyone

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cover of “Lightless” by C. A. Higgins

I enjoyed the multiple mysteries presented in this combo Hard Sci-Fi/Soft Sci-Fi tale: Who is Ivan and is he really a bad guy? What did Mattie do to the Ananke’s computers? What is the real identity of space terrorist Mallt-y-Nos and what is their “big plan” against the System?

The storyline alternated nicely between Althea and her crew’s attempts to maintain and hopefully repair their ship’s computers with the interrogation of Leontios Ivanov — aka “Ivan” — so that the pacing was well-maintained. Also, Ms. Higgins does a fine job of character development: I had a clear picture of each person by the time I’d read the first 30% of the book. I also enjoyed reading the imagined crew life onboard the Ananke  as well as the of the vessel Ananke itself.