- Life After Epic

Description: Resources for Epic alumni, and those thinking of leaving.

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Years ago, just before my interview, I was told Epic is a great place to start a career . I did not fully understand what that meant at the time, but after more than a decade of Staff Meetings, I began to see the message in those words held multiple truths.

This website does not exist out of malice or spite, it is not here with the intention of fueling or validating any emotion, nor will it attempt to justify any part of your experience - good or bad - from any side. While some were unfairly given the short end of the stick, few depart Epic on such sour terms that they look back to find only bad memories and lingering frustration. Like any company, Epic does some things right and other things wrong.

Here, I hope that you find things that will be of help to you, regardless of whether you're just beginning to think about leaving or your time on campus has long since passed. If you have suggestions or questions, get in touch. You worked hard and poured much of yourself into every effort at Epic. If you take that approach with whatever you choose to do next, you will accomplish great things. I'd love to hear about them :)

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