- 欧宝最新 - 中国有限公司官网-欧宝最新 - 中国有限公司官网

Description: 欧宝最新 - 中国有限公司官网(股票代码:000402),2000年在深交所成功上市,是一家深交所上市的以商务地产为主业的大型开发运营控股公司。金融街二十年如一日坚持稳健经营,规范运作,健康发展,形成了独特的发展战略和经营模式,在商务地产开发领域取得了出色的业绩。股份有限公司是经国务院批准,由中国节能投资公司和中国新时代控股(集团)公司于2010年联合重组成立的中央企业。是国内首家实现6英寸碳化硅器件制造的厂商,开发的13个系列的碳化硅产品已进入商业化应用,性能达到国际先进水平。另外,公司成功开发出使用6英寸硅基氮化镓材料制备的HEMT和SBD器件,耐压超过1200V,性能居国内领先水平。公司将持续加大第三代半导体方向的投入,为客户提供性能更好、可靠性更高的产品。

欧宝最新 - 中国有限公司官网 (4)

Example domain paragraphs

Continuous Infectious Microbial Reduction (CIMR) is a simple, all natural technology providing continuous air purification and infection control in all indoor environments. CIMR Infection Control Technology sanitizes air and surfaces throughout any indoor environment within the first 24 hours, then provides continuous protection from re-contamination.

CIMR Infection Control Technology System is revolutionizing infection control strategies by providing an ozone free, safe environmental process that rapidly inactivates and eliminates viruses, bacteria, germs, fungi and molds as well as other volatile organic compounds (VOC's). CIMR Infection Control Technology Kills up to 99.9% of Bacteria and Viruses on Every Surface and In the Air! CIMR is safe for all environments occupied by human and animals.

Possibility of spread of Ebola outside West Africa or that the virus may mutate to become transmittable through air. Read More...

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