Description: is an online daily magazine and community for a new generation of Catholics (and seekers) that explores faith, life, culture, issues, books, movies, music and more. goes beyond conservative and liberal, left and right, and engages the heart of the world from the center of the Church. is edited by Angelo Matera, David Scott, Austen Ivereigh, Harold Fickett and Joop Koopman
church (17110) christian (11224) god (5131) faith (3186) christ (3178) catholic (2840) jesus christ (1194) catholic church (563) roman catholic (217) catholicism (111)
The rules of capitalism are being re-written. Banks are being nationalized. Governments are pouring money and incentives into the economic system. Interest rates are being lowered towards zero. Consumers are being asked to buy more in order to re-start the cycle of consumption-driven production, while Barak Obama gets on with saving the planet. Writing in the Guardian in August, Tory adviser Philip Blond explained succinctly that “the crisis of contemporary capitalism results... READ MORE >
I have a commentary in this week’s National Catholic Register entitled “What Now? Will New Voters Refashion the Democratic Party?” I argue that the election had a silver lining for Catholics: the same voters who turned out in large numbers for Obama—blacks and other minorities—voted strongly for California’s Proposition 8. I cite that example to make the case that it’s time for Catholics to appeal to disenfranchised socially conservative Democrats, and open up a political... READ MORE >