Description: Life Skills Indonesia, bagian dari SP Collective, adalah platform pendidikan yang menyediakan pelatihan untuk meningkatkan keterampilan hidup. Kami menawarkan pelatih berpengalaman, pelatihan In-House, Webinar, Kelas Online, dan Talk Show, mendukung gaya hidup baik, bermakna, setara, dan berkelanjutan sejak 2018.
overthinking (18) pengembangan diri (15) kesehatan mental (10) insecure (10) kecemasan (4) pendidikan di indonesia (4) satu persen (3) life skills indonesia (1) sp collective (1) pelatihan keterampilan hidup (1)
Partnered with and trusted by over 500+ organizations nationwide
50+ Company, 10+ BUMN, 90+ Schools, 150+ University, 15.000+ participants 50+ Offline Training, 250+ Online Training
Life Skills Indonesia is a start-up as well as an education platform in Indonesia that aims to provide training in improving life skills. We are part of the SP Collective. SP Collective, established in 2018, is the home of creative and education companies with the tagline “Brings you the Good, Meaningful, Equal, and Sustainable Lifestyle''. Life Skills Indonesia supports this tagline by providing trained trainers, In-House Training, Webinars, Online Classes, and Talk Shows.