Description: We provide global brand customer engagement and mobile commerce
mobile marketing (475) marketing campaign (88) pattern recognition (72) mobile commerce (38) mobius (33) brand recognition (32) object recognition (20) mobius international (3)
Today billions and billions of dollars are lost everyday through missed engagement opportunities. Opportunities to sell, educate, support and communicate are missed. Each of these missed opportunities leads to a direct loss of revenue, an increase in cost. We are the solution...
MEET with your customers anywhere, anytime they need you. With our MEET we optimise each connection between you and your customers. We allow a customer watching tv, driving in a car, reading a magazine, shopping to engage with you. and respond to your customers when, how and where they need you. Our EET's increase value, reduce costs, save time and decrease risk in all areas where applied.
ONE touch, at the right time, can change a relationship with your customer. Using ONE we allow objects or people to communicate with each other using natural or preferred behaviours. These behaviours can be active or passive. Engagement can occur by simply pressing a break pedal, reading a sign, standing in a room, picking up a box, photographing a part, walking by a guard stand, typing on a computer or sending a text. We don't change what you do, we don't change what your customers do. We just allow you to