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Description: Welcome to the future of clean energy heating and cooling! Likido™Energy solves climate challenges by delivering renewable energy solutions for industrial or private use.

green energy (466) heat pumps (370) greenpeace (48) clean technology (42) climate emergency (36) high-temperature heat pumps (3) industrial heat pumps natural gas replacement off-grid heating thermeco

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Likido is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Dalrada Corp. ( OTCQB: DFCO “Dalrada” ).

Likido™ technology answers perhaps the biggest challenge that the world faces when it comes to meeting our obligations under the Paris and Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol: How do you de-carbonise heat that depends so heavily on fossil fuels?

Our unique CO₂ based high-temperature heat pumps provide heating and cooling without the need for combustion or the burning of fossil fuels, reducing energy consumption by up to 75%.